Copenhagen Aikido - Aiki Shuren Dojo
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  Aiki Shuren Dojo - Valbygårdsvej 36 A, baghuset, 2500 Valby Tlf: 40 86 32 12


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Reasonable care has been taken to ensure that the site content is accurate and up-to-date, however Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo makes no warranties or representations about accuracy, sequence, timeliness or completeness of the site content and may discontinue distributing the site with out prior notice. The information on this site is intended for general guidance only. 

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The text and image files that the Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo has made available on this Web server ( are intended to enhance public access to information about the aikido taught by Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo. Unauthorized commercial use or publication of these Documents and Web pages is strictly prohibited

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Special thanks to Peter Fogh and Seidokan.
webdesign/layout: Thomas Hansen
photos: Karsten Damstedt
aikido photos: Ethan Weisgard, Joran Fagerlund and Thomas Hansen.

Seidokan Japan Center Valbygårdsvej 36 A , 2500 Valby Tel 40 86 32 12 Legal Notice