VIP Photo Gallery

Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo's 5th Anniversary

Aikido seminar Bornholm 2007

Aikido seminar Bornholm 2007

Pictures from our trip to Macerata, Italy 2005

Pictures from our trip to Iwama 2004

Photo Album and interior of Aiki Shuren Dojo / Seidokan

Pictures from our Matsuri or Japanese Festival 2004

Pictures from our course in Japanese culture and etiquette

Opening of Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo (Dojo Biraki Photo Album)

Summer camp in Sochi, Russia 2003

Ethan Weisgard Photo Album

Photo Album of O-Sensei

Photo Album of Saito Sensei

Aiki Shuren Dojo Photo Album

With Moriteru Ueshiba Doshu Sensei, in Hombu Dojo

With Isoyama Shihan 8th dan, Aikikai Ibaraki Branch Deputy Dojo-cho and Yonemochi Shihan 8th dan, Executive Director of Aikikai Hombu Dojo

With Isoyama Shihan, 8th Dan, in Gothenburg, Sweden April 2008

With Tamura Sensei, 8th Dan Shihan, IAF Congress Tanabe 2008

With Inagaki Sensei 7th dan, Executive Director of Aikikai Ibaraki Shibu Dojo, in St. Petersburg, Russia

With David Alexander Sensei, 6th dan, Westlake, Village Aikido Club.

With Fran Turner Sensei, dojo cho of Shugyo Dojo, Toronto Canada

Yuri Davidoff (St. Petersburg), Ethan Weisgard, Inagaki Sensei, Ulf Evenås Sensei, Oleg Yakimov (St. Petersburg)

From a Budo lecture at Shuren Dojo held by Shingo Ohgami Sensei, Wado Ryu Karate 7th dan

With Masahiko Tanaka Sensei, Shokukan Dojo, 8th dan Shotokan JKA

Bill Witt Sensei, 7th Dan Aikido, Aikido Silicon Valley

With Ulf Evenås Sensei and Paolo Corallini Sensei at our joint seminar in Macerata, Italy 2005.

Visit at Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo by Kiichi Hine Sensei and group

With Ulf Evenås Shihan at our 5th anniversary of Copenhagen Aiki Shuren Dojo's opening

With Mikkel Kroner and Inagaki Sensei, Tanabe trip 2008, Nachi Waterfall

With Dr. Peter Goldsbury, IAF Congress Tanabe 2008

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